
Several free online resources for ECG interpretation

Several free online resources for ECG interpretation that junior doctors in Egypt can use.  Collected by Mohamed Hassan  Disclaimer You have to check the up-to-date information about the topic  also, review the local legal regulations  Here are some of the most helpful resources: 1. Practical Clinical Skills: ECG Training, Practice Tests, and Quiz[1] This website provides free ECG training, practice tests, and quizzes. It includes short courses, practice drills, and quizzes that cover ECG interpretation. The website is user-friendly and provides interactive exercises within the lessons. 2. Practical Clinical Skills: EKG Training, Practice Drills, and Quiz[2] This website provides a wide range of EKG interpretation training with an emphasis on practice, coaching, and quizzes. The website includes lessons and exercises in EKG rhythm analysis and a wide range of heart rhythm strips for practice. Many courses are free, and no registration is required. 3. Practical Clinic...

Dr. Ashraf Zaki's ECG Lectures

   Dr. Ashraf Zaki's ECG Lectures Collected by Mohamed Hassan  Disclaimer You have to check the up-to-date information about the topic  also, review the local legal regulations  Dr. Ashraf Zaki is a renowned physician and lecturer who has been providing valuable insights into the field of internal medicine for years. One of his most popular lecture series is on electrocardiograms (ECG), which is a diagnostic tool used to measure the electrical activity of the heart. In this blog post, we will explore Dr. Ashraf Zaki's ECG lectures and why they are worth watching. 1. Comprehensive Coverage Dr. Ashraf Zaki's ECG lectures cover a wide range of topics related to ECGs. He starts with the basics and gradually moves on to more advanced concepts. His lectures cover everything from heart anatomy and physiology to the interpretation of ECG waveforms. This makes his lectures ideal for both beginners and advanced learners. 2. Practical Approach Dr. Ashraf Zaki's ECG lecture...

تعلم تخصص طب الطوارئ والحوادث

تعلم تخصص طب الطوارئ والحوادث كتب محمد حسن   تخصص طب الطوارئ والحوادث هو تخصص طبي يتعلق بتقديم الرعاية الصحية الطارئة  للمرضى الذين يعانون من حالات طبية حرجة أو حوادث. وهو يتطلب معرفة متعمقة بالتشخيص والإدارة الطبية الطارئة. تعتبر قناة  The Flipped EM Classroom[1]  إحدى القنوات التي تقدم شروحات مفصلة عن تخصص طب الطوارئ والحوادث. وتعتمد هذه القناة على مناهج تدريبية معتمدة من قبل مديري الدورات في طب الطوارئ. وتغطي القناة عدة مواضيع مثل الألم البطني، والصدمة، والتسمم، والصداع، والنزيف الهضمي، والصدمة القلبية، والصدمة التنفسية، والصدمة الحرارية، والصدمة الكهربائية، والصدمة الحيوانية. يمكن الاستفادة من هذه القناة لتعلم أساسيات تخصص طب الطوارئ والحوادث وتحسين المعرفة الطبية الخاصة بك.  يمكن الاستفادة أيضًا من مقاطع الفيديو الموجودة على موقع يوتيوب بالمصادر لتعلم المزيد عن تخصص طب الطوارئ والحوادث والتعرف على تجارب الأشخاص الذين يعملون في هذا المجال.  باختصار، إذا كنت ترغب في تعلم المزيد عن تخصص طب الطوارئ والحوادث، يمكنك زيارة قناة The Flipped EM Classroom...

Asthma Management in Children: A Guide for Junior Doctors in Egypt

Asthma Management in Children: A Guide for Junior Doctors in Egypt Written and Collected by Mohamed Hassan Disclaimer You have to check the up-to-date information about the topic also, review the local legal regulations Are you a junior doctor in Egypt looking to enhance your knowledge and skills in managing asthma in children? As a vital aspect of pediatric care, asthma management requires a comprehensive understanding of the guidelines set forth by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) and BTS (British Thoracic Society). In this blog post, we'll delve into the best practices and strategies to effectively manage asthma in children, helping you provide the best care possible for your young patients. Introduction to Asthma and Its Impact on Children Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects millions of children worldwide, including those in Egypt. It is characterized by airway inflammation, leading to recurrent episodes of wheezing, shortness of br...